Wednesday, January 23, 2013

WOD - Spartan Race

If you have any sort of social media account or have been in a gym you may have seen or heard the term WOD.  WOD is the abbreviation for "Work Out of the Day".  There are many groups that post free WOD's primarily Crossfit gyms.  These type of workouts are intended to keep people active while they are away from the gym.  This is not to say that WOD's cannot nor should not revolve around gym activities, but they are intended to provide a guideline for home exercise without the need of expensive equipment.  Usually these WOD's utilize body weight or minimal equipment needed and "most" can be completed in 30 minutes.  

As I mentioned many fitness groups are getting into WOD's by email subscription.  Spartan Race provides a free WOD by email subscription that is a great way for beginners and advanced exercisers alike to learn new programs and exercises.  While most of these WOD's are created by fitness professionals, there are some that are provided by active Spartan Race Street Team members and other ordinary people who enjoy fitness.  

Here is an example of a WOD that I submitted this past August.  It was published on the Spartan Race WOD website and mailed out to those who subscribe to the daily WOD's.  It is rather difficult, but is a great total body WOD to test your fitness level.

While I utilize some of the Spartan Race WOD's, I don't necessarily follow them everyday.  If you are looking for a place to begin getting off your couch and back in shape I would definitely recommend checking them out as they are a great place to start learning exercises and movements that will help you achieve your fitness goals.

Happy Exercising!

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